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Proper Time Adjusted Special Relativity

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As mentioned in the introductory text of the Main Page, Proper Time Adjusted Special Relativity puts the Moving Body (here used synonymously with "Moving Observer") in its "proper place" in the graph of motion; that is we place the Moving Body at the point indicated by its proper time. This reveals that the Moving Body is always situated on the circumference of a circle of increasing radius t. It is our contention that this circle is the space dimension of a curved expanding universe. For a full treatment, please view the interactive presentation of the theory through the Simulation below.



Speed of Light and the "Rate of Propagation of Time"

 sim  Proper Time Adjusted Special Relativity seems to suggest that there is a close connection between the speed of light and the "rate of propagation of time" along the space dimension. In a flat Galilean spacetime where the space dimension is a straight line perpendicular to the time dimension, the speed of light can be considered infinite and the "rate of propagation of time" can also be considered infinite: that is, with the passage of time the whole length of the space dimension passes instantaneously from one time moment to the next. In a curved spacetime, the speed of light is not infinite, and the rate of propagation of time is also finite. This suggests that the speed of light and the rate of propagation of time may be closely connected or even identical phenomena.

The Proper Time of Photons and the Nature of Light

The equations of motion derived in Proper Time Adjusted Special Relativity show that the proper time of photons is always zero. What are the implications of this.

See also:

Linear and Angular Quantities in the Curved Expanding Universe

 stb  In such a situation of a circular expanding space dimension, phenomena can be properly described through polar quantities (polar coordinates, angular distance, angular velocity). If we use linear quantities, an object will seem to move away from a Stationary Observer due to the expansion of the space dimension, even if its angular distance remains constant.

Implications for Theories Based on the Minkowski Spacetime

 stb  Many physics theories are based on the Minkowski spacetime, which is considered flat and unchanging, something that creates many difficulties. What are the implications for these theories in view of the fact that, on the basis of Proper Time Adjusted Special Relativity, the Minkowski spacetime is an artefact of the projection of the curved expanding space dimension on a straight x axis? Does this make things any easier?

Inverse Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation

 stb  An additional confirmation of the above formulation would be an inverse derivation. Start from the assumption of a circular expanding space dimension (as defined in the presentation), and the projection of the positions of objects on the x axis of the Stationary Body, and derive the Lorentz Transformation.

Proper Time Adjusted Special Relativity with Gravitation

 stb  The next step will be to try to introduce gravity in the formulation of Proper Time Adjusted Special Relativity. The usual objections to this is that Special Relativity does not and cannot handle gravitational forces. This is most probably true for Standard Special Relativity and for the Minkowski spacetime, but not necessarily for Proper Time Adjusted Special Relativity, which has already introduced a curved expanding space dimension in Special Relativity.

See also