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Talk:The Uncertainty Principle

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The uncertainty principle states that we cannot determine both the velocity and the position of a particle to an arbitrary degree of precision.

However, this may hold true not only for elementary particles but for classical bodies also. In order to determine the velocity of a classical body, we need to determine its position at two different time moments. Then we know its average velocity, but we cannot determine its exact position at each moment of that interval. So maybe this is a conflict of definitions of what "velocity" and "position" mean, and not some fundamental indeterminacy with real physical meaning in the sense that the particle does not have a specific position or velocity at each moment of time.

See also Theories as Models Isomorphic to Reality. Physical laws will determine the position and velocity of an elementary particle or of a classical body by choosing the "correct" values it will have in the next moment of time out of all possible values these variables could take.